The new way of
Trade Show Participation Business Growth Stand Building

Your experienced professional strategic flexible
partner in trade show participation

Beursstand Trade Show
Exhibition participation advice

We advise on trade show participation.

Beursstand Trade Show
Project Management

We are happy to manage your project.

M-series Product Schema
Exhibition stand realization

We are happy to realize your exhibition stand.

Beursstand Trade Show
Buy exhibition stand
Exhibition stand rental
Beursstand Trade Show
Rent & Buy Combination

Sustainable Modular Stand Construction

Exhibition Wall has been offering custom modular exhibition stands and exhibition walls since 2001. We personalize your exhibition wall and think along with you from design to concept.

Beurswand.nl is a provider of durable modular aluminum (stand construction) systems which are mainly used during exhibitions, conferences and other events. Our exhibition stands are very easy to build up yourself but can also be assembled and disassembled for you by the team of Beurswand.nl if required.

In addition, Beurswand.nl offers the possibility of exhibition stand storage. Whether you want to buy or rent a booth, Beurswand.nl is your partner in exhibition participation. With more than 20 years of experience and expertise, Beurswand.nl is a specialist in its field.

With Beurswand.nl, you are assured of a worry-free trade show participation because we know how to present your company in the right way.

Is your organization planning to participate in a trade show, or do you already have concrete plans regarding trade show participation, please contact us without obligation. Our experienced team is happy to advise you on the possibilities and provide you with sincere advice!

Beurswand.nl helps you with your trade show participation from A to Z. With us, you will have a permanent point of contact. Behind the scenes, a team of specialists works to create your modular trade show booth. We have designers who will design your exhibition wall for you, but also a supplier who will bring your exhibition wall to the desired location and assemble and disassemble it on site.

Beurswand has been offering custom-made exhibition walls since 2001. We personalize your exhibition wall and think along with you from design to concept.

We think it’s important to exude your brand’s strategy, so we always look for innovative trade show booth designs that make every passerby want to take in your design for a moment.

Beurswand.nl provides you not only with your exhibition stand but also with all the knowledge, tools and partners you need to get maximum returns from your exhibition participation.

View our
history page
for a complete overview of our developments since 2001.

Beurswand.nl supplies the quality products of our sister organization Exposure Systems. Exposure Systems has more than 16 years of experience in supplying system-built exhibition stands to wholesale customers such as booth builders and event organizers.

ExhibitionWall.com is now making these products available directly to organizations that buy or rent only one exhibition wall.

There is a lot involved in trade show participation. For example, you need to design a trade show booth and reserve a suitable location on the trade show floor. You often interact with several vendors and then you also have the staff scheduling of your colleagues who will be presenting your organization at the event.

Beurswand.nl prepares you for this and accompanies you in all peripheral matters in addition to our product.

Beurswand kantoor Andelst
Beursstand Trade Show

The new way of booth building trade show participation presenting growing professionally

Beurswand has been offering custom-made exhibition walls since 2001. We personalize your exhibition wall and think along with you from design to concept. We think it’s important to exude your brand’s strategy, so we always look for innovative trade show booth designs that make every passerby want to take a moment to take in your design.

Beurswand.nl provides you not only with your exhibition stand but also with all the knowledge, tools and partners you need to get maximum returns from your exhibition participation.


Moving to Andelst

Since December 2018, Beurswand.nl has been located at Industrieweg 10 in Andelst. Located directly on the A15 highway, so ideal for our many transports.

In addition, we now have a production site and warehouse of about 1,500 square meters. Ample space to produce, test setups and store your purchased trade show booth(s).



Larger Pledge

Beurswand.nl moved into new premises in Elst where we professionalized our processes and production. Due in part to an expansion of our teams and a need for a larger production environment, this building became too small for our growing company after only 3 years.



New management

In 2015, Lennart Keizer came to work for Beurswand. With his background in HRM, Logistics and Finance, he was a great addition to the team to lead the company through its next phase of growth.



Establishment Trade Show Wall



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Modular Services

Do it yourself

You rent or buy your exhibition stand via, for example
our configurator
and transport and build the exhibition stand yourself.

Because you transport the exhibition stand of your choice yourself, you also have a professional modular exhibition stand on a limited budget.

  • Frames
  • Visuals
  • Desk
  • Television(s)
  • Visual Design
  • Transport

We do it for you

Most of our clients choose this option. Our specialists relieve you of all your worries by designing, transporting and building your exhibition stand for you.

You have ample options for trade show booth décor and additional accessories.

  • Frames
  • Visuals
  • Floor
  • Television(s)
  • Desk
  • Visual Design
  • Transport
  • Construction and Dismantling
  • Furniture
  • Pantries
  • LED Frames
  • Curved Frames
  • Bar
  • Stand Design
  • Project Management


Do you want a complete professional trade show booth with all the freedom to put it together and set it up yourself? Of course, that too is possible!

We can supply, build large exhibition stands (internationally), manage other suppliers and much more.

  • Frames
  • Curved Frames
  • LED Frames
  • Visuals
  • Floor (raised)
  • Television(s)
  • Desk
  • Pantries
  • Workplaces
  • Multi Media
  • Visual Design
  • Transport
  • Construction and Dismantling


  • Entire Project
  • Suppliers
  • Ceiling Trusses
  • Furniture
  • Bar
  • Video Wall


You can rent or buy different types of trade show booths from us.
Choose appropriate services based on your budget and team.
Beurswand.nl as a partner guarantees successful trade show participation.


Latest News

Culturele Verschillen in Beursstand Ontwerpen

Cultural differences in trade show booth design

In the dynamic world of trade shows and exhibitions, trade show booth design plays a major role in how companies and brands present themselves. At Trade Show Wall, we understand that the design of a trade show booth or wall goes beyond aesthetics; it reflects cultural nuances and business standards that vary around the world.

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Netwerken en lead generatie via beursstands

Networking and lead generation through trade show booths

In the dynamic world of trade shows and events, trade show booths are not just a physical space, but an important tool in the art of networking and lead generation. We understand that a well-designed trade show wall can be the key to maximizing your networking opportunities and generating valuable leads. Let’s dive into the

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Technologische innovaties in beursstands

Technological innovations in trade show booths

In the dynamic world of trade show booths and trade show walls, technological innovation is not just a trend, but an essential part of staying ahead. At Exhibit Wall, we are dedicated to incorporating the latest technological advances into our modular booth building solutions. This article explores how digital displays, interactive trade show walls and

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Duurzaamheid in Beursstands - Een Groene Toekomst voor Evenementen

Sustainability in trade show booths: A green future for events

Sustainability is an increasingly important theme in the world of events and trade shows. At ExhibitionWall.com, we understand the need for eco-friendly solutions in the booth building industry. We’ll take you through the ways trade show walls and booth designs can contribute to sustainability and how this leads to more environmentally friendly trade show exhibits.

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Kleuren Onmisbaar voor Onweerstaanbare Beursstand

Colors indispensable for irresistible exhibition stand

When you enter the show floor, the first thing you notice is the multitude of colors. Every booth tries to attract attention, but only a few manage to be truly memorable. At Beurswand.nl, we understand that the power of color is essential to creating an irresistible trade show booth. In this article, we dive into

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Offerte Aanvragen

Vraag eenvoudig uw offerte aan als u de mogelijkheden en kosten van uw ideale beursstand wilt weten. Met meer aanvullende informatie helpt u ons sneller te reageren. Dit is echter niet verplicht.

Offerte Aanvraag – NL
U ontvangt altijd binnen 24 uur reactie.
Of bel ons direct op 0481 350 700

Quote Request

Simply request your quote if you would like to know the options and cost of your ideal trade show booth. With more additional information, you will help us respond more quickly. However, this is not mandatory.

Offerte Aanvraag – EN
You will always receive a response from us within 24 hours.

Or call us directly at +31 481 350 700