Exhibition Stand Configurator

With the trade show booth configurator below, you can build your own booth in just a few minutes for an indication of cost and as a starting step for a custom quote!

Select your dimensions, finishes, add-ons and additional services with the booth configurator below and we will contact you within 48 hours!

The images shown show a basic trade show booth measuring 4 by 3 meters and 2.5 meters high with visuals printed on fabric that continue across multiple frames. Each trade show booth can be supplied in any size and finish.

Exhibition Stand Quotation

In 5 Steps

  • Stap 1
    Bepaal uw

    Wilt u kopen of huren? Wanneer is de beurs en wat is uw budget?

  • Stap 2

    Kies de oppervlakte en het beursstand type, hoekstand, kopstand, tussenstand of eiland.

    .rounded-button {
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    cursor: pointer;
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    .rounded-button:hover {
    color: white;

  • Stap 3

    Kies uw frames en hoogte. Voeg LED, pantry, presentatie middelen toe.

  • Stap 4

    Voeg meubilair zoals bar, koelkast, tafels, stoelen, krukken en meer toe.

  • Stap 5

    We kunnen helpen met Beursstand Design, Op- en afbouw, Opslag en meer.

1. Determine your budget

Do you want to buy or rent? When is the fair and what is your budget?

2. Exhibition stand type

Select the surface and exhibition stand type, corner stand, head stand, intermediate stand or island.

3. Exhibition stand design

Choose your frames and height. Add LED, pantry, presentation resources.

4. Exhibition booth design

Add furniture such as bar, refrigerator, tables, chairs, stools and more.

5. Select services

We can help with Exhibition Stand Design, Set-up and Take-down, Storage and more.

Or Configure Yourself Now ↓

Beurswand Kopopstelling
Exhibition booth
Cup Setup
Beurswand Hoekopstelling
Exhibition booth
Corner Setup
Beurswand Tussenopstelling
Exhibition booth
Intermediate Setup
Beurswand Eilandopstelling
Exhibition booth
Island Setup

Offerte Aanvragen

Vraag eenvoudig uw offerte aan als u de mogelijkheden en kosten van uw ideale beursstand wilt weten. Met meer aanvullende informatie helpt u ons sneller te reageren. Dit is echter niet verplicht.

Offerte Aanvraag – NL
U ontvangt altijd binnen 24 uur reactie.
Of bel ons direct op 0481 350 700

Quote Request

Simply request your quote if you would like to know the options and cost of your ideal trade show booth. With more additional information, you will help us respond more quickly. However, this is not mandatory.

Offerte Aanvraag – EN
You will always receive a response from us within 24 hours.

Or call us directly at +31 481 350 700